Breastfeeding, and bonding March 26, 2020 Edition 1, Volume 1The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that black women in the United States have a maternal mortality rate of 44 deaths per 100,000 live births, while the rate for white women is 13 deaths per 100,000 live births.
Tips on how to bond with baby #1 While mom is breastfeeding lay with her this stimulates oxytocin and creates a bonding moment for all. #2 Let dad help with feeding schedules by preparing bottles or helping with pumping. This could include helping to massage breast during periods of engorgement. #3 Have dad designate a feeding and bonding time with baby. During this time mom can pump or TAKE A NAP! #4 Having each parent take a lactation class together or tips from your doula are great too! During COVID-19 you do not have to birth alone. We are offering virtual doula support during social
distancing. Email us: and we’ll get you started. Remember to be kind to yourself. *Baby Dust*